Monday, January 11, 2016

Facebook Post from October

Note: This was a Facebook/Instagram post from Sabrina Nascimento (a young woman Malorie taught), posted back in October, 2015.

Foi incrível ter conhecido vcs! E tudo q eu aprendi com vcs com certeza eu irei aplicar na minha vida.#sisterbond #sistermacedo #sisternascimento :)

Google Translation:

It was amazing to have known you guys! And everything I learned with you with absolute certainty I will apply in my life. ‪#‎Sisterbond‬‪#‎sistermacedo‬ ‪#‎sisternascimento‬ :)

Sabrina Nascimento, Malorie, Sister Macedo (left to right)

Friday, January 8, 2016


January 4, 2016

This week was adventurous:)

We had the baptism of Rita, a wonderful woman with a big heart!

We had an emergency transfer and I got moved to Sulacap! My new companion is Sister Nascimento. She is from Rio and only serving a practice mission- for 3 months. She is amazing and has a lot of faith!!

The reason for the emergency transfer is that I got called as a Sister Training Leader. So thats gonna be an adventure!

And my first night in the new house I locked myself in the bathroom and couldnt escape. So I yelled for my companion and after 15 minutes I finally managed to leave the dark and dreary prison of Brasilian bathrooms....


Feliz Ano Novo!!! Ether 12:4

Sister Bond

Arquivo da Missão Maravilhosa

December 2015
Rio de Janeiro Mission

Malorie is 3rd row from bottom, 18th from left (just right of center) in light colored shirt

Batismo de Evangelista

December 28, 2015

I love being a missionary!!!!! Batismo de Evangelista :) He really loves the Savior and is so happy!! Its just the photo thats awkward...:)

Favorite Scripture right now- Alma 26:30

Happy New Year!

A Little "People-Sick"

December 28, 2015

I am not homesick exactly because there is nowhere id rather be than here serving and its going faster than I like (5 months ja!) But I wish I could show you my world:) I wish I could share all the joy and a little bit of tears with you guys better... So in that sense I am a little people-sick:)

That Moment When...

December 21, 2015

So this week was a collection of that moment when.....

1. That moment when you want to sing and cry and jump up and down in Happiness!! We talked with a man named Evangelista on the street a few weeks ago. We invited him to church and then I immediately forgot all about him. Whoops. But the Lord blessed us because even with my forgetfulness we are seriously working as hard as we can!! And Evangelista decided to go to church by himself last sunday; So he found the card we gave him and just showed up! So naturally we saw him at church and decided to you know do the missionary thing! We sat with him and asked him wahat he thought... He Loved it!!! He said he never felt so good at church before and so BAM! We explained that its the Holy Ghost testifying that the church is the only completely true church on the earth. He just looked at us with a smile bigger than his face!! So then we asked him if he would accept to follow the example of the Savior and be baptized on Dec 26.He said Of course!! So we are teaching him and he is just so excited to recieve the blessing of being clean again and the Holy Ghost:)


2. That moment when you just cry a little and your heart breaks inside. We have an investigator who we have been working so hard to help. I love her to death. She has a desire to grow closer to Christ but likes to drink with her friends... For 4 weeks she has only smoked once (YAY) and drank 3 times (YAY). But Saturday night we went to her house at 5:00 and she was already drinking and smoking. We challenged her to stop in the moment, take a shower, and not drink or smoke anything else that night. We prayed with her and then left. The next morning was Sunday. So at 7:30 in the morning we went to walk with her to church. She was still awake and still drinking with her friends. It broke my heart. I know who she is. She is a daughter of God. And her body is a gift. I know she can be so much happier. The word of wisdom is inspired of God and a commandment.

But anyway.

Theres my ups and downs of the week:)
Feliz Natal. Com amor Sister Bond

Best and Worst of Brazil

December 21, 2015

I love Brazil. My companion and I decided the bests/worsts of Brazil are


1. Brigadeiro. Stroganaffe. Maracuja. Food. Sem Commentario:)

2. People will be my best friend forever just because I can speak english and have blue eyes:) We enter a favella and the kids come running. Literally running. "Tia tia!!"

3. I love that the Irmãs greet each other with a beijinho on the cheeck. Its super cute. (But when they are drunk and reek of alcohol its a little gross...)

Which leads us to the worsts;....

1. The Heat. Tuesday was 48* C. I dont know what that is in F. But I know I drank 17 bottles of water and still threw up from heat exhaustion... also its really attractive I have a permanant sweat mark across my chest where the purse touches. Real "hot" (ba dum tst)

2. The Trash. Every tues thurs e sat. is trash day. Thats good. The problem is that mon-sunday people just through trash on the sidewalk. In grocery bags. So thats good. The problem is that then the homeless people go digging for stuff to salvage/eat.... And dont forget here you cant flush toilet paper... so sometimes the trash sitting in the hot sun and opened up and blowing around is somebody´s poop;

3. The People Without Clothes On. I dont think I wanna explain this one:) Just know that we have had the door opened by men and women wearing just a towel more than 5 times. And they expect us to teach like that... Not to mention that its completely acceptable to just take your shirt of to nurse in public... Ive seen way more of people that I ever wanted to!!

Love you
Feliz Natal

Plan of Salvation

December 14, 2015

Hello world:)

Last Pday we went on an adventure to find a walmart in our area, we found a bunch of kids that wanted to learn english instead:)

So we talked to them for a little bit and ended up teaching them the Plan of Salvation with a few words in english! It was really fun. 

And yes McDonalds has good icecream here too!

Also, thats Cristo Redentor in the picture with a big hill (they think they have mountains here.... pft! Only colorado has real mountains!)

Ok cool story this week: The Holy Ghost really guides each and every one of us!

We have a recent convert named Vanilda. We went to her house last Sunday and talked to her about Jesus Cristo. Then on Thursday after lunch we felt impressed to go again. On the way we discussed what we would teach and decided on the Plan of Salvation- life after death. We showed up and her cousin opened the door. Turns out Vanilda died Wednesday. Nobody was expecting it.. But following the impressions of the Holy Ghost we shared the Plan of Salvation and Eternal Families with her whole family! (Only Vanilda was a member). I know without a doubt that the Church is true. That Christ lives. And the the purpose of his life was and is eternal life for every single person. I love Him. I know He loves me. This is our chance to choose to follow him. I know that God has a plan for us. The name of that plan is Happiness. And the center of this plan is the Atonement. It is real. It is infinite. It shaped my life. Em nome de Jesus Cristo ámem.

Feliz Natal! Com amor. Sister Bond

Stay Strong. Stay Faithful.

December 7, 2015

Pic- un-icing the freezer before it explodes. Ya that's ice that shouldn't be there.

Jesus Christ lives.

Remember the reason for Natal is the reason for everything we have to be grateful for.

Stay strong. Stay faithful